The team who keep our busy Parish running. Below you can find information about our Priest-in-Charge and our other Parish Officers.
Click any of the titles or images to learn more about the people and the roles.
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The team who keep our busy Parish running. Below you can find information about our Priest-in-Charge and our other Parish Officers.
Click any of the titles or images to learn more about the people and the roles.
Claire is not only our Children and Families Worker but also our Lead Evangelist. She joins us from the Church Army.
The Parochial Church Council
A licensed lay minister (or simply reader) is a person authorised by the Bishop to lead certain services of worship (or parts of the service), to preach and to carry out pastoral and teaching functions. Steve is not only our Reader, but our Community Minister too!
Rev'd Andy is our Priest-in-Charge and is responsible overall for our Parish. You can contact him at any time, on any matter - he will be more than happy to help in any way he can.